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Tips when Teaching Letters:
For Monday's "Sensory Food Art" activity: Put the alphabet letter sheet in front of your child at a table.  Point to the letter, say it, have child repeat after you.  Read the sentence pointing to each word. Ask child to repeat and re-read.  Then, give them the "food" and create the art. If it is a food "sauce" or "liquid" material, have child use their hands or paintbrush to paint it on the letter. (such as "finger painting with the water on "W").  If it is a "solid" food have child glue it to the letter. (such as Cheerios or Goldfish). If it is a letter with a "sauce & solid" food items, have child use the liquid sauce as a form of "glue" to put on the "solid" food item! (such as using the butter as a glue for the bread crumbs)

Focus on ONLY 1 LETTER A WEEK for best learning and comprehension to occur in child. Click below on the links to pull up weekly lesson plans and eBook links for every Wednesday.
Lesson plans are for toddlers and preschoolers.  There is an infant activity for each alphabet letter at the end of every lesson plan.  You can use the eBooks for each letter to read to your child at any age; by either downloading in PDF format and reading it straight from your PC or iPad, or by printing it out.  View our sample eBook teaching video here.
All member access resources, curriculum, and PDF material is available to you;  being you are the paid customer.  We want to ensure this information is available for you and your child's purposeful use.  Sharing, distributing, copying, selling, and displaying our online curriculum and resources are prohibited and unlawful.  You may read our terms and agreement and our copyright policies for further information on this policy.  We thank you and value your loyalty to us. Enjoy!
Letters Curriculum
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