1. They put everything in their mouths. They want to grab at everything. These are both okay! Provide them opportunities to do so with things that are not harmful.
2. An infant learns to talk by hearing others and watching a mouth move. Talk to your infant frequently, showing them your mouth as you do so. Talk slowly, constantly & consistently.
3. Every infant grows at their own rate. Just because one infant sits at 6 months, doesn't mean yours will then, sooner, or later. Patience, time, and opportunity is key for every infant and child to grow and develop.

Here you will find our activity ideas and helpful tips when teaching your infant! These are for you to use with your child at your discretion, as you know your infant the best!
* It is a good idea to track your child's development and consult with your child's pediatrician for any learning or developmental concerns you may have. These activities in this section of our website are recommended for children 6 months and older.