
Friends We Love!!! 
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Food-Themed Tubs
Remind your child food is not for eating. ONLY playing!  Please only use food that is safe for your child dependent on health allergies and age appropriateness.

"Green Bean Casserole"
Green beans, peas, and french fried onions, a potato masher; let the child smash it all up! A total BLAST for ALL ages!
Ready, Set, Spaghetti"
Water, cooked spaghetti noodles, strainers, forks, and bowls (to be really creative, add in chopped up tomatoes).  Great for TOTS!
"Jello Hello"
Already made Jello, toy plastic hammer for smashing and smushing, and cups for transferring!!! Babies love to touch jello!
"Playdough Fun"
Flour, water, and small amount of salt to make playdough using their hands
"Pop, Pop, Pop...Movie Time"
Popped Popcorn, salt shaker, pieces of cut up squared yellow paper to act as butter, and popcorn bowls or containers for transferring
"Banana Split"
Cut up pieces of bananas, whipped cream, chocolate or strawberry syrup.  They will go-to-town with this idea! Even the babies can do this one!!!
"Roasting Marshmallows"
Large marshmallows and popsicle sticks for sticking and creating structures
"BBQ Time"
Hotdogs cut up, ketchup, mustard, and shredded cheese.  You can add the buns in on the side!

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