
Friends We Love!!! 
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Children love to be puppeteers and sing at the same time! These are a sure way to keep your kiddos interacted and engaged during music time at home! Looking at the picture and saying the words also helps with early language development.

4 Easy Steps to Use:

  • Print out the pictures that go along with the song.
  • Cut them each out.
  • Glue them each to a popsicle stick.
  • Have child hold & use when singing.
5 Little Monkey's and the Alligator

5 little monkey's swinging in a tree
Teasin' Mr. Alligator, Can't catch me!
Along came Mr. Alligator quiet as can be (whisper this phrase)...
And he CHOMPED that monkey right out of that tree!
(Repeat verse again same way for 4, 3, 2, 1 monkey's)
End verse: "Then they all said...Missed me, missed me now you gotta kiss me...ewwww!!! 
5 Little Ducks

5 little ducks sitting on the lake.
The first one said, "My it's getting late."
The second one said, "There's a breeze in the air."
The third one said, "But we don't care."
The fourth one said, "Come on let's swim."
The fifth one said, "I'm gonna win!" 
And then....OUT went the sun!
And up went the moon!
And they all swam away... quack quack quack... singing their favorite tune!
Way up High in the Apple Tree

WAY up high in the apple tree,
Two red apples looked at me!
I SHOOK that tree as hard as I could!
And down came the apples,
and MMM...MMM, they're good!

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Popsicle Song Puppets