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Use our eBooks for direct interactive learning with your child.  Each book follows the same reading style pattern, so that any child can read with you and follow along; while learning to recognize their ABC's.  

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1. Visit this URL link each time you LOGIN as a member!
2. Print each of the eBooks out in full, staple, and read with child.
3. Save all of the eBooks as PDF files to your computer or desktop.
Curriculum plans and eBooks are available to you;  being you are the paid customer.  All purchases are non-refundable. You can read our No Refund Policy.  We want to ensure the curriculum and eBooks are available for you and your child's purposeful use.  Sharing, distributing, copying, selling, and displaying any of our curriculum, eBooks,  and resources are prohibited and unlawful.  You may read our terms and agreement and our copyright policies for further information on this policy.  We thank you and value your loyalty to us. 
ABC eBooks
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