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To use, in 3 easy steps!

1. Click on the environmental print reader picture of your choice below.  It will download in PDF file format.
2. Either print it out (using card-stock paper for durability) and staple together to use as a book, OR just pull it up easily on your PC, iPad, or iPhone to read with your child straight from your device screen.
3. Read it with your child and watch how fast they catch on the words.  These help associate a child's prior knowledge of real-life places, so that a child can begin to build new knowledge and reading comprehension skills.  Complete the activity page at the end of each eBook with your child just for fun!
Environmental Print eBooks
What is the first thing a young child learns how to read, beside his/her own name?  Yes, the world around them... Things that they can relate to and recognize!  Therefore, we provide you with these Environmental Print easy readers.  Enjoy friends.

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